Injection molding robot guide: Maximize efficiency

August 24, 2023
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What are Injection Molding robots?

Injection Molding robots are automated machines that handle the post-processing of plastic parts after they've been formed in the injection molding process. These robotic arms lift the newly molded pieces from the molding press and move them to the next stage of production, this is a form of Machine Tending.

Why use Injection Molding robots?

Injection Molding robots provide a number of benefits for high-volume plastic part manufacturing:

  • Increased efficiency. Robotic arms can handle parts much faster than human workers, allowing for higher and more consistent production rates. This means existing workers can be trained so they are equipped to handle and work alongside the robots, ensuring a more productive and seamless work environment.
  • Improved quality. Robots place parts precisely and gently, reducing defects and damage. Their automated control systems also collect data for analysis to identify patterns, and potential sources of defect and also to help refine the molding process.
  • Cost savings. Although Injection Molding robots do require an initial investment, they pay for themselves over time through increased productivity, reduced waste, and lower labor costs.
  • Safer work environment. Automating the handling of newly molded parts removes workers from potentially hazardous areas around the molding presses and eliminates common risks such as repetitive strain injuries (RSIs) for workers.

Key benefits of using robotic Injection Molding

Robotic Injection Molding machines can significantly boost efficiency and productivity on the factory floor. Here are some of the key benefits of automation:

Reduced cycle times

Robotic arms can remove parts from the mold faster and more consistently than human operators. This speeds up the process and allows for shorter cycle times, increasing throughput. Some advanced robots are able to shave up to 75% off cycle times or even more in certain cases.

Improved quality

Robots produce parts with tighter tolerances and fewer defects compared to manual processes. Their movements are highly precise, repeatable, and accurate. This results in higher, more consistent quality and ensures that the manufacturing process is repetitive and produces parts that meet the desired specifications.

Reduced costs

Although the initial capital investment in robotics can be substantial, the long-term cost savings are significant. Automation reduces the costs associated with labor, waste, downtime, and quality issues. Many manufacturers are able to achieve a return on their investment in a relatively short time frame, often less than 2 years.

Safer work environment

Automating hazardous tasks improves health and safety. It removes human workers from dangerous jobs like handling extremely hot materials or toxic chemicals. This creates a safer environment for everyone in the facility.

In summary, Injection Molding robots boost productivity, maximize uptime, improve quality, reduce costs, and enhance safety. Implementing automation in your factory is an easy way to gain a competitive advantage and future-proof your operations.

Key considerations for implementing an Injection Molding robot

When bringing an Injection Molding robot onto your factory floor, there are a few important factors to keep in mind. These advanced automatons can greatly improve efficiency and quality, but only if implemented properly.

Develop a timeline 

Map out a thorough and realistic timeline for integrating the robots onto your floor. Will you do it all at once or phase them in one area at a time? Consider any production schedules or seasonal cycles so you implement the robots during slower periods, in order not to affect workflow. A step-by-step plan will ensure a smooth transition, ensuring you avoid obstacles during this busy time.

Train employees

Your staff will need to gradually transition and get comfortable working alongside the robots, to implement the new way of working. 

Provide comprehensive and in-depth training sessions on the robots, including how they function, their limitations and any safety procedures to ensure accidents are avoided. 

Assign team members to operate and maintain the robots, this helps empower them with actions such as trouble-shooting and adapting to production requirements. Their job will be to monitor the robots and perform quality checks.

Optimize layout

The layout of your facility will need to accommodate the new robots. Make sure there is enough space for the robots to maneuver without obstacles, their range of motion should never be limited as this can impact safety and efficiency. 

You need to ensure there is sufficient space so that the robots have access to molding machines, conveyor belts, and other equipment. You may need to reconfigure some workstations or assembly lines. 

An optimized layout will allow for an efficient flow of materials and maximize productivity, to make sure the workflow operates to the best of its ability.

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Getting started with Injection Molding robots: Implementation and training tips

When it comes to Injection Molding robots, proper implementation and training are key to maximizing efficiency. As you introduce automation to your factory floor with the key considerations above, keep these tips in mind:

Do your research

Learn all you can about different robot models and manufacturers to determine what will work best for your needs. Identify which tasks first you will be automating, and whether the model you are considering can complete this for you. This can range and include actions such as, part loading and unloading, tools changes, quality checks, etc. Consider the payload, reach, number of axes, and controller types for different tasks. Compare specs and get recommendations from others currently using Injection Molding robots.

Start small and scale up

Don't try to automate everything at once. Begin with a single robot handling one or two molds, then add more as your operators get comfortable. This allows time for training and adjusting workflows before major changes are made, to avoid any downtime.

Start testing

Conduct trial runs of the new automated workflows before putting them into full production. Work out any kinks in the programming and make sure all members of your team understand their roles. Tweak as needed to ensure maximum productivity before relying on the robots and new processes daily.

Following these steps will help make for a smooth transition as you integrate Injection Molding robots into your factory. With proper implementation and training, these automated helpers can significantly boost productivity and efficiency.


So there you have it, an introduction to how Injection Molding robots can take your factory to the next level. By now you've seen how these automated systems can boost your productivity and quality while reducing costs and waste. 

If you're looking to upgrade your factory, Injection Molding robots should be at the top of your list. They may require an initial investment, but they'll pay for themselves in no time and have your factory running like a well-oiled machine. 

Next steps

Interested in bringing an Injection Molding robot to your own business? RO1 by Standard Bots is a great choice for machine shops large and small:

  1. Affordable: RO1 is the most affordable robotic arm in its class, starting at almost half the price of incumbent competitors. 
  2. Powerful: RO1 is faster and more precise than competitors, despite having the highest payload capacity in its class at 18 kg.
  3. Integrated: RO1 comes equipped with built-in relays to control almost any machine on the market, including plug-and-play support for Haas CNC milling machines.

Speak to our solutions team today to organize a free, 30-day onsite trial and get expert advice on everything you need to deploy your first robot.

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