Spot welding robots: What they are and how they work

July 29, 2024
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What is a spot welding robot?

Have you ever wondered how those sleek car bodies come together like they were meant to be? 

That would be all thanks to the spot welding robot: Spot welding robots are like surgeons with laser focus. They can pinpoint exact spots on metal surfaces and join them with mind-blowing accuracy and consistency. 

Benefits of getting a spot welding robot

Let's dive into why you might want to consider bringing a spot welding robot to your fab shop. 

Here’s why: 

  • Jaw-dropping precision: Spot welding robots hit the mark with increased accuracy, giving you more consistent welds. 
  • Higher speeds: These robots work faster than a caffeinated cheetah. They can churn out welds at a pace that'll make your head spin, boosting productivity like nobody's business.
  • Off-the-chart versatility: From cars to planes to metal sculptures, spot welding robots already show their talent across various industries. They're equally at home in automotive manufacturing, aerospace industry, or general metal fabrication.

How does robotic spot welding work?

Let's break down how these high-tech welders do their thing:

  1. Position metal sheets: Place two metal sheets between the copper electrodes of the robot.
  2. Apply pressure: The robot applies a significant amount of pressure to hold the sheets firmly in place.
  3. Deliver electric current: The robot sends a short burst of electric current through the electrodes to the metal sheets.
  4. Create molten nugget: The electric current heats the metal, creating a small molten area known as a nugget.
  5. Solidify bond: The molten nugget quickly cools and solidifies, forming a strong bond between the sheets.
  6. Use sensors for precision: Sensors ensure the robot positions the welding gun accurately and applies the correct pressure.
  7. Control system adjusts parameters: The control system adjusts the welding parameters like pressure and current based on sensor data.
  8. Program detailed instructions: Human programmers create a detailed sequence of instructions, specifying where to weld, how long to hold, and the current level.
  9. Execute programmed welds: The robot follows the programmed instructions with high precision, ensuring consistent weld quality.
  10. Utilize no-code frameworks: No-code frameworks allow even non-specialized users to program the robot for specific welding tasks.

Types of spot welding robots

Not every spot welding robot is created equal.

Let's dive into the three main types you'll encounter in the world of spot welding:

  1. Fixed welding robots: These bad boys are bolted and stationary. They're perfect for high-volume production lines where the work comes to them, such as automotive assembly lines or appliance manufacturing.
  2. Mobile welding robots: Do you need a robot that can move around your workshop? Mobile welding robots have you covered. They're mounted on tracks or platforms, allowing them to zip between different workstations. This flexibility is great for smaller fab shops with changing welding needs. 
  3. Collaborative welding robots: These robots are designed to work alongside human welders, combining the precision of automation with the adaptability of human expertise. They're equipped with advanced sensors and safety features, making them ideal for complex welding tasks that benefit from human involvement. 

Common challenges & safety considerations

You'll need to jump a few hurdles before your new robot is welding like a boss.

Let's get into some common challenges and safety considerations you should keep in mind:

  • System integration: Ensuring compatibility with existing systems can be challenging. Your robot might need adjustments to communicate effectively with your current setup.
  • Maintenance needs: Regular maintenance and quick repairs are essential. Schedule routine check-ups to keep your robot running smoothly and avoid unexpected downtime.
  • Weld consistency: It is crucial to maintain consistent weld quality. Factors like material variations and wear and tear can affect performance, so your robot must be well-maintained and calibrated.
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How to choose the right spot welding robot

With so many options available, how do you know which one will do the job?

It is time to break down the key factors you should consider when choosing:

  • Crunch the numbers on your production: Start by taking a good, hard look at your welding needs. How many welds per hour are we talking about? What types of materials are you working with? 
  • Size matters: Consider the size and weight of the parts you'll be welding. You'll want a robot that can easily handle your heaviest workpieces. Also, think about the robot's reach — can it access all the spots you need?
  • Does it play nice with others?: Your new robot needs to play well with your existing systems. Check if the robot's software can integrate smoothly with your current setup. This will save you headaches down the road.

Maintenance tips for spot welding robots

Keeping your spot welding robots in tip-top shape isn't rocket science, but it does require some attention to detail.

Here are some key tips to keep your robotic welders running like a dream: 

  • Schedule regular check-ups: Like your annual physical, your spot welding robots need routine inspections. Set up a regular maintenance schedule to catch potential issues before they rear their ugly heads. This proactive approach introduces major cost-saving benefits in the long run. 
  • Out with the old, in with the new: Components wear out over time. It's just a fact of life. Keep an eye on those high-wear parts like electrode tips, cables, and bearings. Replace them before they fail to avoid unexpected breakdowns and achieve consistent weld quality.
  • Stay on top of software updates: It’s not just your cell phone — even welding robots need the latest software to perform at their best. Make it a habit to check for and install updates regularly. These updates often include bug fixes, performance improvements, and new features that can improve overall performance. 

Learn how RO1 helps out in spot welding

Need to bring automation to your spot welding efforts? Meet RO1 by Standard Bots. This six-axis robot arm can completely reshape your welding operations, whether you’re running a startup or a massive operation. 

  • Budget-friendly quality: RO1 offers high-quality welds at half the cost of competing six-axis robots. 
  • Consistency and power: RO1 doesn't take days off. With its hefty 18 kg payload, it'll churn out perfect welds time after time, keeping your quality control folks happy and your products top-notch.
  • Collaborative safety: No need to worry about human error or fatigue-related accidents. Thanks to advanced features like machine vision, RO1 handles dangerous tasks while working side-by-side with your team.
  • Intelligent efficiency: RO1 will zip through welding tasks at lightning speed, boosting your productivity thanks to its high-end AI (on par with GPT-4) and intuitive no-code framework.

Contact our operations team today for a 30-day risk-free trial. Try RO1 at your fab shop to experience increased productivity and efficiency. 

Summing up

And that’s all you need to know before you purchase a spot welding robot. 

Whether you're a curious DIYer or an industry pro, understanding these robotic welders opens up a world of possibilities

So next time you see a sleek car body or a sturdy appliance, give a little nod to the spot welding robots working hard behind the scenes.

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