What are the components of a robotic arm?

May 21, 2024
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Base: The foundation of movement and stability

The base of a robotic arm is its anchor, keeping it steady and in place. Without a solid base, the arm wouldn't be able to lift and move heavy things.

  • Attaches to surfaces: The base is usually bolted to the ground, a wall, or the ceiling. Big industrial arms might even be bolted right to a concrete floor. Smaller arms sometimes just have a heavy base that sits on a surface.
  • Comes in different sizes and shapes: The size and shape of the base depend on how big the arm is and what it's used for. Bigger bases are needed for heavy-duty jobs, while smaller bases are okay for lighter tasks.
  • Made of strong materials: Bases are usually made from strong materials like steel, aluminum, or granite.

Joints: All about flexibility and range of motion

The joints are what give a robotic arm its flexibility, letting it move in many different ways. Without joints, the arm would be as stiff and useless as week-old spaghetti. 

  • Types of joints: There are two main types of joints: revolute joints, which are like hinges, and prismatic joints, which slide back and forth.
  • More joints, more flexibility: The more joints an arm has, the more flexible it is and the more things it can do. But more joints also make the arm more complicated and expensive.
  • Joint placement: Robotic arms usually have joints at the shoulder, elbow, and wrist. The way these joints are arranged determines how the arm can move.

Links: Putting it all together

The links are the pieces that connect the joints and make up the arm's structure. A handy analogy would be to think of them as the bones of the arm. 

  • Connecting the joints: Links join the joints together, allowing them to work as one unit to create complex movements.
  • Transmitting force and motion: The links carry the power from the arm's motors to the end effector, which is the part that does the work.
  • Protecting internal parts: Links also protect the wires and other important parts inside the arm.

End-effector: The business end

The end-effector is the robotic arm's "hand." It's the part at the very end that interacts with the world around it. This could be a gripper for picking up and moving objects, a welding torch for joining metal, or a spray painter for adding that pretty coat of paint.

  • Grippers: Grippers are designed to grab and hold things. They come in different types, like parallel grippers with two fingers that move together and anthropomorphic grippers with multiple fingers that can move separately, like a human hand.
  • Tools: Some end-effectors are tools, not grippers. These could be welding torches, sprayers, or drills. The type of tool depends on what the robot is meant to do. For example, a robot in a car factory might use a welding torch to join metal pieces together.

Actuators: The muscles of the arm

Actuators are like the muscles of the robotic arm. They have the power that makes the arm move.

  • Hydraulic actuators: These use fluid pressure to create movement. They're strong but can be messy.
  • Pneumatic actuators: These use air pressure instead of fluid. They're cleaner than hydraulic actuators but not as powerful.
  • Electric actuators: These are the most common type of actuator. They use motors to convert electricity into movement. There are two main types of electric actuators: Servomotors, which offer precise control, and stepper motors, which move in small steps for very accurate positioning.
  • Brushless DC motors: Some robotic arms use these motors, which are powerful and efficient. You might find them in things like remote-controlled cars and drones.
  • Direct drive motors: These are used in some advanced robotic arms. They offer lots of power and precision but are big and heavy.
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Sensors: The eyes and ears

Sensors help the robotic arm understand its surroundings and what it's doing. They’re the eyes, ears, and “skin” of the robot. 

  • Proximity sensors: These measure how close the arm is to other objects, helping to prevent collisions.
  • Force sensors: These measure how much force the arm is using, which is important for delicate tasks.
  • Vision sensors: Cameras and other vision technologies help the arm "see" its workspace. This helps the arm figure out where it is, where objects are, and how to move.
  • Touch sensors: These give the arm a sense of touch, so it can tell how much pressure it's putting on something. This is important for tasks like picking up and holding objects.

Controller: The brains behind the operation

The controller is the "brain" of the robotic arm. It takes in information from sensors and software, figures out what to do, and then tells the actuators how to move the arm.

  • Making decisions with sensory input: The controller gets information from sensors like cameras and touch sensors. This helps it know where the arm is and what it's touching. It then compares this information to the arm's programming to decide how to move.
  • Giving out movement commands: The controller sends signals to the actuators, telling them how fast, in what direction, and with how much force to move each joint. A better controller means a more agile and responsive arm.
  • AI and machine learning: Some controllers use AI and machine learning to get even smarter. They can learn from experience and make complex decisions about how to move and interact with objects.

Power supply: Powering up movement

The power supply gives the robotic arm the energy it needs to move. Robotic arms usually run on rechargeable batteries, power supplies that plug into an outlet, or both.

  • Rechargeable batteries: These let the arm move around freely without being plugged in, but they only last for a limited time.
  • A constant stream of power: Plugged-in power supplies give the arm constant power, but it has to stay connected to an outlet.
  • Not all arms use the same power sources: Some arms use batteries for most movements and switch to wall power when the batteries get low.
  • Power needs are not always uniform: The type of power supply depends on the arm. Powerful arms that lift heavy things or move quickly need stronger power sources than simpler arms.

Software: Programming the bot for precise tasks

The software is what tells the robotic arm what to do. It's like the instructions that guide the arm's movements.

  • It controls the actuators: The software tells the actuators how to move the joints and links to make the end effector do its job.
  • Making sense of sensor data: The software uses information from the sensors to know where the arm is and what it's doing. It then follows the programmed instructions to get the arm where it needs to go.
  • Full movement guidance: For tasks like welding or assembling things, the software needs to guide the arm through very exact movements. It tells the arm how fast to move, when to stop, and what path to take.
  • Controlling force: The software also controls how much force the end effector uses. This is important for delicate tasks like picking up fragile objects.

Summing up

Now you know the broad strokes of robotic arm components.

Having a grip (sorry) on these core components gives you insight into how these amazing machines function and perform so many vital roles in today's world.

So, if you want to see incomparable levels of performance and productivity, you know that a sturdy robot arm is the way to go! 

Next steps 

Give a big boost to your productivity with RO1 from Standard Bots, a state-of-the-art six-axis robotic arm designed for shop floors big and small.

  • Affordable excellence: RO1 offers advanced automation at a fraction of the cost of comparable robots.
  • Performance you can’t beat: RO1 outmatches competitors in payload capacity (up to 18 kg) and speed, guaranteeing precision and excellent results.
  • Grows with you: Powered by advanced AI on par with GPT-4, RO1 continually learns and adjusts to your changing needs, optimizing performance over time.
  • Collaboration and safety first: RO1 is built to work alongside your team, with advanced vision and sensors prioritizing safety during interactions.

Try RO1 risk-free for 30 days and witness its transformative potential for your business. Reach out to us today!

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