Robotic CNC machine: Machine integration as the ultimate synergy

December 21, 2023
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What is a robotic CNC machine? 

Robotics have become nearly indivisible from CNC machining, representing any robotic or automated process that aids in CNC machining.

It comes as no surprise, then, that a robotic CNC machine refers to sophisticated, programmable equipment designed exclusively for machining purposes. 

These machines are great at handling a wide array of projects by adhering to their programmed protocols - often operating with little to no human intervention.

Consequently, their implementation in manufacturing has opened the door to myriad opportunities and advantages. Further, their application extends beyond run-of-the-mill manufacturing to also include the manufacture of components for other robots.

Here are some of their key advantages. 

What advantages does a Robotic CNC machine bring to the table? 

The advantages - especially economic - of employing robotic CNC machining applications are evident, substantiated by quite a few critical reasons for jumping on the automation bandwagon.

Let’s take a look at some of the most salient points. 

Faster, better

A robotic CNC machine tends to be remarkably faster than most of its counterparts - producing components within remarkably short lead times and much-increased consistency. 

(Take note, though, that not all applications are faster than human-tended CNC machines, yet.)

These machines operate at vastly superior speeds compared to various other manufacturing processes. Plus, they require very little human oversight and can work around the clock, unlike human workers. 

The result? Blazingly fast iterations and the delivery of parts can be achieved in a fraction of the time, and at a fraction of the cost.

Down to microns

A good-quality robotic CNC machine can achieve parts with tight tolerances of up to +/- 0.0002 inches. 

Also, robotic loaders, programmed to ensure accurate positioning at every step, exhibit impressive precision. These loaders, part of robotic arms, can achieve an accuracy of +/-1 mm during loading and unloading operations, contributing to eye-popping manufacturing accuracy.

This enables the crafting of very minute components (like microchips or other electronics) with exact, scalable, and repeatable movements.

Material versatility

Robotic CNC machines can work with a wide range of materials, including metals and plastics.

Industries that require strong and stiff materials with favorable strength-to-weight ratios to ensure steady movement, lifting, and transferring of objects can benefit enormously from the aid of a robotic CNC machine. 

Of course, these machines can also be extremely gentle and precise as well, handling even the most fragile materials with ease. 

Surface finish control

CNC machining also exercises precise control over the surface finish of end parts, even those that require very low friction. 

Furthermore, parts made through this manufacturing technique can undergo additional surface finishing operations to enhance their functionality.


While the initial costs of a robotic CNC machine may make your eyes bulge (from $2,000 to $100,000+), the initial cost more than pays for itself due to increased productivity, and reduced risk of injuries to human workers, among other things.

Multitasking galore

By leveraging the multitasking capabilities of CNC robots, manufacturers are witnessing enhanced efficiency. 

While CNC machines undertake milling, drilling, or lathing tasks, robotic arms simultaneously perform other operations. This multitasking could involve loading the next machine, packing fabricated products, or quality checks.

Some common robotic CNC machines

Interested in upping production with a robotic CNC machine? 

Here are some options to consider.

Articulated arms

Among the most widely used and versatile Industrial robots, articulated robots consist of rotary joints or axes. 

They range from simple Two-Axis structures to complex systems with 10 or more axes, matching or even exceeding the mobility of a human arm. These robots offer additional degrees of freedom for independent motions. 

With that in mind, their wide range of motion and flexibility make them ideal for handling various workpieces, irrespective of size, and perfect for applications like arc welding, material handling, part transfer, packaging, assembly, palletizing, pick and place, and machine loading among many others. 


Selective Compliance Articulated Robot Arms (SCARA) represent Four-Axis robots designed for high-speed and repetitive operations. 

These robots, close in mobility to human arms, but with greater speed and precision, have compact footprints, enabling them to handle low payloads. 

SCARA robots are most useful in assembly operations, pick and place tasks, machining, packaging, and inspections.


Delta robots, a parallel-type, high-speed industrial variant, have unique upside-down triangular structures. 

They are typically mounted on top of work areas such as conveyors in production lines, thus excelling in assembly, disassembly, packaging, pick and place, and sorting applications.

Gantry or Cartesian robots

Gantry robots operate on three axes through the X, Y, and Z Cartesian Coordinates, which gives them high flexibility in configurations. 

They usually come in larger sizes and higher range and payload capacities, so they’re ideal for high-level industrial applications in assembly, loading and unloading, material handling, pick and place systems, fastening, screw driving, packaging, and cutting processes such as laser and waterjet.

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How to tell a robotic CNC machine apart from a garden-variety CNC machine

Beyond the operations they conduct, robotic CNC machines and conventional CNC machines present diverse quality and performance characteristics. 

We’ve boiled their differences down to five vital features, which are: 

Accuracy matters

The precision or accuracy of machining is absolutely crucial for any machine's performance. 

Over recent years, Industrial robots have boosted their accuracy, achieving precision levels between 0.1 and 0.2 mm. But, conversely, high-end CNC machines sometimes even boast higher precision, ranging from 0.02 mm to 0.05 mm. 

It’s also important to note that the robotics industry focuses even more on repeatability to maintain consistent accuracy levels and that the accuracy of robotic CNC machines continues to rise year after year.


One of the significant advantages of robots lies in their heightened versatility and flexibility. They seamlessly transition between tasks and execute multiple operations at the same time. 

Even though CNC machines can perfectly handle specific tasks like milling, drilling, or turning a robotic CNC machine can confidently handle all of these operations. 

Also, robots can move along more intricate paths not available to the three or four degrees of freedom of conventional CNC machines. Therefore, Industrial robots offer a solution with some boasting more than six degrees of freedom

This extensive freedom enables robotic CNC machines to manufacture virtually any desired shape.


The rigidity or stiffness of machine tools significantly influences their accuracy during operations. Tools with low rigidity tend to experience movement when dealing with hard materials, which can lead to imprecise cuts. 

By way of contrast, traditional CNC machine tools exhibit significantly higher rigidity, often exceeding 50 Newtons per micrometer. 

Robotic machining, despite its versatility, typically demonstrates lower rigidity, usually below 1 Newton per micrometer. While capable of handling softer materials like plastic and wood, the rigidity limitation poses challenges when working with harder materials such as steel and aluminum. 

Finally, the motors' backlash may decrease the resulting component's accuracy in these scenarios.


While CNC machines can offer impressive workspace sizes, robotic CNC machines generally possess larger workspaces. 

Medium-sized Industrial robots commonly have working envelopes of up to 7 cubic meters. Moreover, robots facilitate the addition of an external axis, allowing easy extension of their workspaces as required.

Plus, many robotic CNC machines can collaborate safely with humans on the shop floor due to advanced collision detection mechanisms.

Higher affordability

Both robots and CNC machines often come with substantial upfront costs. However, robotics presents distinct advantages, as we’ve seen with flexibility and a much higher workspace.

The ability to conduct multiple operations on objects of diverse shapes, sizes, and complexities at much lower costs means that a robotic CNC machine will eventually pay for itself many times over.

Where do we go from here?

Despite the numerous advantages offered by robotic CNC machines in manufacturing, they don’t yet match the relatively higher precision of modern CNC machines. 

And, while robots exhibit exceptional versatility and adaptability, CNC machines specialize in fabricating specific component types.

Additionally, the lower rigidity of most Industrial robots is still a hurdle, particularly when dealing with hard materials, which can have an impact on accuracy.

So, we may not be looking at a total replacement of CNC machines by their robotic equivalents, but an imminent convergence instead. 

Several companies have begun integrating these systems to function in harmony, leveraging the strengths of robots in managing complex automation tasks while relying on CNC machines to execute repetitive machining tasks.


Robotic CNC machines are the epitome of innovation in the manufacturing industry. The synergy of robots with CNC machines yields exceptional results across a wide swathe of applications - being better than the sum of the individual parts.

Next steps

Interested in bringing a robotic CNC machine to your own business? RO1 by Standard Bots is the best choice for machine shops large and small:

  1. Affordable: RO1 is the most affordable robotic arm in its class, starting at almost half the price of incumbent competitors. 
  2. Powerful: RO1 is faster and more precise than competitors, despite having the highest payload capacity in its class at 18 kg.
  3. Integrated: RO1 comes equipped with built-in relays to control almost any machine on the market, including plug-and-play support for Haas CNC milling machines.

Speak to our solutions team today to organize a free, 30-day onsite trial and get expert advice on everything you need to deploy your first robot.

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